
VP Of Care Management At John Hopkins HealthCare To Speak at the 2012 Healthcare IT Summit

Linda Dunbar, PhD, RN and vice president of care management at Johns Hopkins HealthCare will be speaking at the 2012 Healthcare IT Summit that runs Nov. 11-13 at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress in Orlando, Fla. Dunbar's session, "Integration and Innovation: New Care Delivery Models and the Technology to Support Them," will be extremely beneficial for both provider and payer attendees.

Dunbar will be speaking about Population Health strategies and new models of care delivery in support of improving the health, and decreasing the cost, of the care of a population.

"The model I will describe has been implemented at Johns Hopkins Medicine and is comprised of an Integrated Delivery Team at the site of primary care," said Dunbar.

The model addresses primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and care of a population with an integrated care system. In the JHM model of care, the Primary Care Provider, a Nurse Case Manager, a behavioral health specialist and a community health worker complete an assessment of behavioral and clinical needs, complete a rounding process and then work to support self-management activities, explained Dunbar. 

"The biggest takeaway from my session,  for healthcare IT executives, will be a better understanding of the importance of IT in supporting the interdisciplinary team in their activities, aggregating data and measuring outcomes," said Dunbar.

Here's a little more background on Dr. Dunbar...

Dr. Dunbar serves as vice president of care management at Johns Hopkins HealthCare. In her role as Vice President for the past ten years at JHHC, Dr. Dunbar directs the 220 staff members in the divisions of Population Health Management, Behavioral Health, and Research and Development. Since 1997, Dr. Dunbar has led the department to create, deliver and evaluate innovate population health management strategies in the areas of single and multiple chronic diseases, behavioral conditions and substance abuse disease. 

Dr. Dunbar holds an adjunct faculty appointment at the JHU School of Nursing and Bloomberg School of Public Health, and frequently teaches and lectures on such topics as managed care, population health strategies, health policy and reform, risk adjustment, and research and evaluation.

Dr. Dunbar’s dissertation work, entitled “Alternative Methods of Identifying Children with Special Health Care Needs: Implications for Medicaid Programs”, explored the use of predictive models and risk adjustment in populations of children with chronic conditions. Dr. Dunbar has published in peer-reviewed journals on chronic illness in infants and children, risk-adjustment methodology, predictive modeling in high-risk patient identification, health policy for children and adults, pay-for-performance and quality, primary care and population health strategies. She has served as a consultant in the Disease Management industry and for State Medicaid Agencies and health plans. Dr. Dunbar speaks and consults nationally and internationally about risk-adjustment and population health strategies.
Dr. Dunbar completed 40 credits in the Master’s of Business Administration program at Johns Hopkins University in early 1984-1988, a MS in 2000 and PhD in 2005 from University of Maryland in Nursing and Health Policy.