
Healthcare IT Guy On How To Get Started in Healthcare IT

Health Administration Degrees shared with us an interview they recently conducted with Shahid Shah, also known as the Healthcare IT Guy in his popular blog.

In the interview, Shah discusses how to get started in healthcare IT as well as how consumer technologies, like smart phones and tablets, are affecting this industry.

You can find the interview on their homepage. In their video player, simply choose this interview on the right-hand sidebar. Enjoy!

D.C. Bound For Health Datapalooza Event

Mr. Healthcare CIO will be at the upcoming Health Datapalooza (HDI Forum III) event in Washington D.C. next week--if you see me there, please say hello! I am always interested in making new industry connections, finding speakers for our Healthcare IT Summit and other XChange events, finding industry bloggers and writers to contribute to our Healthcare IT Strategies newsletter and, most importantly, to make new friends!

I am greatly looking forward to the unbelievable line-up that the HDI Forum team has graciously planned--the event is going to be jam-packed with industry leaders, IT executives, CIOs, CMOs, doctors, Gartner analysts and more. And, to top it all off, Jon Bon Jovi will be there! LOOK WHO'S COMING

Todd Park, U.S. CTO, will be giving the opening keynote address on Tuesday, June 5 at 9:10 AM...see his blog post on The Health Care Blog about the event. 

I am so excited to have the opportunity to attend this event and am looking forward to getting some great coverage while learning from these extraordinary industry leaders. 

Please follow @MrHealthcareCIO for up-to-the-minute happenings at the event.